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Reading Response


A 13-points non manifesto

Following the reading of this "manifesto", I reduced the important points to words which in my opinion described them best.

1. Positioning

2. Independant

3. Social usage

4. Social access

5. No exclusion

6. Understanding

7. Democratic

8. No "sell-outs"

9. Privilege to design

10. Process appreciation

11. Push back

12. Social interventions

13. Winners

What I take from this "non-manifesto" is the irony of the text itself. Firstly, they claim not to be writing a manifesto, however, impose their point of view on what design should be and how to practice it. In the first paragraph, they admit that they are not the only ones to have brought some points up, but still decide to emphasize them. - Why ? Moreover, they criticize our society by claiming that they do not want to consider themselves as winners in a "society or culture that creates such categories in the first place." yet want to act as "social workers". In general, this text gives me the impression that the design firm wants to "assert" its opinions, without really having thought about them.


Design Justice Network Principles

Similarly to the previous article, I've reduced the important points to words which in my opinion described them best.

1. Empower

2. Centred voices

3. Community

4. Process

5. Facilitators

6. Unique contributions

7. Sharing

8. Sustainable, Community-led

9. Non-exploitive solutions

10. Improvement

Contrary to the preceding text, this one affirms in a coherent way all its remarks. The number of "points" does not matter if the content is fair and clear. After reading this "living document" it is obvious that this firm has its priorities in the right places and practices design for the community and well-being of all.

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